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General Troubleshooting


show route vrf all
show route vrf all | inc 10.4.229. 
show evpn evi vpn-id 11034
show arp vrf $VRF_NAME  Te0/0/0/6.200

show ipv6 neighbors vrf $VRF_NAME Te0/0/0/6.198
show bgp vrf BMCE ipv6 unicast summary
show bgp vrf BMCE ipv4 unicast summary
show bfd ipv6 session
show bfd ipv4 session
show running-config  | utility egrep -C5 bfd
show isis neighbors
show bgp ipv4 all summary

Show detailed information about interface

show controllers TenGigE0/0/0/18

Show control plane policing

show running-config control-plane

!Check Policy-Map drops/number of packet matching the policy.

show policy-map interface $PHYSICAL_INTERFACE service instance $SVC_INST_ID

!Show l2vpn xconnect status (ASR 9k)

show l2vpn service xconnect interface gigabitEthernet 0/1

!Show l2vpn xconnect status with details (ASR 9k)

show l2vpn xconnect neighbor pw-id 702 detail

!Show service-instance traffic details (not xconnect, just local service instance)

show ethernet service instance id 205 int ten0/3/0 detail
show mpls l2transport vc vcid 395 detail

!ASR 9000 | IOS-XE

show l2vpn service xconnect interface TenGigabitEthernet0/3/0
show l2vpn xconnect group OPEN01 xc-name OPEN01-C220
show l2vpn xconnect group PARA07 detail

!BGP stuff | IOS-XE

show bgp summary | inc NEIGHBOR_IP

!BGP stuff | IOS-XR

show ip bgp summary
show ip bgp neighbors
show ip bgp neighbors

!Montrer les routes recu d'un neighbor en particulier

conf t
router bgp AS_NUMBER

!Il faut activer le log des routes pour chacun des neighbors BGP concernés

neighbor soft-reconfiguration inbound
sh ip bgp neighbors received-routes
sh ip bgp neighbors advertised-routes
conf t
router bgp AS_NUMBER
neighbor shutdown

!Satellite 9k light levels

show nV satellite status
telnet vrf **nVSatellite

!GigabitEthernet112/0/0/17 ---> Satellite 112
telnet vrf **nVSatellite
!Port 17 on ASR = Port 18 on Satellite
sh satellite powerlevels port 18

show process cpu sorted | ex 0.0
show platform hardware qfp active datapath utilization
show platform software status control-processor
show platform software status control-processor brief
show processes cpu platform sorted
show platform software status control-processor brief

Show CPU and Memory like "htop" for Linux

monitor platform software process rp active

Troubleshooting Cisco ISR Memory.

Show IOS processes memory usage.

show processes memory

Show platform CPU and Memory usage

show platform resources

Show IOS-XE Memory usage (not IOS)

show platform software status control-processor brief

Cisco barebones IOSXR BGP config

router bgp 64501 vrf super-potato-laurent neighbor
router bgp 64501 vrf super-potato-laurent neighbor remote-as 65505
router bgp 64501 vrf super-potato-laurent neighbor bfd fast-detect
router bgp 64501 vrf super-potato-laurent neighbor bfd multiplier 3
router bgp 64501 vrf super-potato-laurent neighbor bfd minimum-interval 100
router bgp 64501 vrf super-potato-laurent neighbor address-family ipv4 unicast
router bgp 64501 vrf super-potato-laurent neighbor address-family ipv4 unicast route-policy pass-all in
router bgp 64501 vrf super-potato-laurent neighbor address-family ipv4 unicast route-policy pass-all out
router bgp 64501 vrf super-potato-laurent neighbor address-family ipv4 unicast as-override
router bgp 64501 vrf super-potato-laurent neighbor address-family ipv4 unicast soft-reconfiguration inbound always

Cisco Radius

conf t
aaa new-model

aaa group server radius DHMTL-RADIUS
 server-private auth-port 1812 acct-port 1813 key $INSERT_KEY_HERE

aaa group server tacacs+ DHMTL-TACACS
 server-private key $INSERT_KEY_HERE

aaa authentication login default group DHMTL-RADIUS local
aaa authorization exec default group DHMTL-RADIUS local
aaa accounting commands 15 default start-stop group DHMTL-TACACS
aaa accounting commands 3 default start-stop group DHMTL-TACACS

Activate Telnet on IOS-XR

telnet vrf management ipv4 server max-servers 10
telnet vrf $VRF_NAME ipv6 server max-servers $MAX_CONCURRENT_TELNET_CONNECTIONS